Plant of the Month – Blue Star Fern

How to care for my Blue Star Fern?

Where to position?

Blue Star Ferns prefer partial shade but will also enjoy some brighter indirect sunlight. It’s important to find the right balance – keep your Blue Star away from complete shade, however, on the flip side, bright direct light sources can burn and dry out the leaves, so it’s best to avoid placing your plant in direct sunlight.

How often should I water?

Blue Stars love moist air. The bathroom or kitchen are great rooms for your Blue Star where the air is more humid. If you are positioning your fern in dryer conditions, mist with water every couple of days. Keep the soil moist for your Blue Star and watering when the surface becomes slightly dry is the key to maintaining optimal moisture levels. However, it is important to note that you should never allow your Blue Star Fern to stand in water as this can lead to root rot and other complications. When it comes to watering, it is best to water from the sides rather than directly onto the leaves.


What is the best temperature?

Blue Star Ferns prefer average household temperatures, from 16-24°C however they can tolerate short periods of cooler temperatures down to 10°C. Avoid cold draughts.

Is it toxic to animals?

The Blue Star is non-toxic to humans and animals, so it is safe to have around pets and children.

What are the benefits?

Phlebodium Davana’s are great for indoor air purification. They contribute to a healthier living environment, which is essential for well-being by removing dangerous contaminants.

Plant of the Month – Blue Star Fern